MonALISA Grid Monitoring
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Dec 03, 2015

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MonALISA Web Services

A Web Service is integrated with the MonALISA service, as well with the MonALISA Repository. The Web service, "MLWebService", provides an interface for publishing the monitoring data using a WSDL/SOAP technology. In this way, any client can request and receive selected monitoring data.

Figure 1: MonALISA Web Service

The service offers a single port type with three operations: getValues, getConfiguration and getLatestConfiguration.

       * the getValues operation interrogates the database and gets all the parameter values for the farm, the cluster, the node and the parameter name specified as arguments. The time when the parameter(s) was registered in the database must be between two moments of time (fromTime and toTime) also specified as operation input. The return type is a complex schema type, an array of results containing all the values taken from the database.

       * the getConfiguration operation interrogates the database and gets all configurations of all farms that were registered in the database between two limits of time (from time and to time) given as input. The return type is a complex schema type, an array of configurations that were found in the database that matched the constraints .

       * the getLatestConfiguration operation interrogates the database and returns the last configuration received in the database for a given farm. It receives as input a string, the farm name. It returns a complex schema type that represents the configuration.