MonALISA Service Download |
version 14.06.05, June 16, 2014 |
To install and run the MonALISA Service please download the service distribution
and follow the instructions from the Installation Guide and the README files.
The distribution contains:
- MonALISA Service
- SNMP support
- Embedded data base & support for PostgreSQL
- SSL Administrative interfaces
- Interface modules with Ganglia, LSF, PBS, Condor-Hawkeye
- Examples to write monitoring modules or interfaces to other tools
- Customized additional data writers
- Embedded WSDL/SOAP interface for monitoring data
- Documentation

It requires Java 6 or higher!
The most convenient way to start a global GUI for the MonALISA is by using the
Java Web Start technology which will install the application on your system using the browser.
MonALISA Repository Download |
version 1.4.2, Aug 3, 2012 |
In the Repository section you can find the latest distribution
and several archives with maps for the world map web page. For install and usage instructions, please go
to Guide Page or read the INSTALL and README files inside the distribution.
The distribution contains:
- Embedded PostgreSQL data base.
- Storage Agent to monitor several MonALISA Services and colect data.
- Web Interface with world map capable of different levels of detail.
- Examples of real time and history plots and servlets for data manipulation.
- Documentation.

It requires Java6 or higher!
ApMon Download |
version 2.2, Dec 03, 2015 |
ApMon represents an API for easy insertion of data in the MonALISA system. In
the download page you can find several flavours of this
API for the most well known and used languages like: C, C++, Java, Perl, Python.
ApMon User Guide
provides generic information on usage of this API,
but also covers specific language installation problems. It also provides several examples.
All this things can also be found in each language specific archive.
The language specific package contains:
- API files
- Examples
- Documentation
MonALISA WS Clients Download |
version 1.0.6, November 28, 2006 |
The Web Service Clients can be downloaded from
this location.
The distribution contains detailed instructions and examples of use and installation.