MonALISA Grid Monitoring
Interactive Clients
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Dec 03, 2015

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since 28 October 2005

Interactive Clients

     The interactive clients are thought to be an easy and comfortable way for end users to monitor and interact with all monitored systems. Several types of clients are available but they all share the same idea of mobility (easy to access) and portability (availability no matter where the system is accessed).

MonALISA Interactive Client
    Usefull for visualising distributed sites, international VOs, the MonALISA Interactive Client distinguises itself with a modern and appealing interface.
    It is developped in Java, using the latest technologies, so it is portable on numerous platforms and systems. The continuing development keep the client up to date with the latest new mesurements and observations in Distributed Systems Industry.

LISA Interactive Client
    LISA is one of the component application of MonALISA. It provides a complete set of monitoring services. It can be used as a standalone product that monitors the local system or can be a part of other application to which it can offer monitoring services. LISA can offer a powerfull and complete graphical interface that offers a more intuitive way to check the current status of the system. LISA makes use of the latest technologies provided by Java, so it is portable on numerous platforms and systems.