In the Python version, the ApMon features are
available as methods of a class called ApMon. The module defines the
ApMon class that has to be
instantiated in one of the following ways:
passing as parameter a location from where the
configuration will be loaded. This should be a string
that represents either a filename, or an URL address
(if it starts with "http://"). The ApMon class will start a second thread
that will verify periodically the configuration
file/webpage for any changes. This verification is
done in a sepparate thread because there could be
long waiting times for the downloading and the
resolving of the destination hosts for the udp
datagrams. This way, the sendParam* functions will not block.
You can also pass an array of file/url strings in
order to initialize ApMon.
passing as parameter a tuple, containg as
elements directly the destinations (host[:port][ pass]). ApMon will send
datagrams to all valid given destinations (i.e.hosts
that can be resolved), with default options.
passing as parameter to the constructor a hash.
In this case, the keys will be destinations and the
corresponding values will be references to another
hash in which the key is a configuration option and
the value is the value of that option. Note that in
this case, the options should not be preceded by
xApMon_ and options should be True/False instead of
on/off as in the configuration file.
2. Sending
To send user parameters to MonALISA, you have the
following set of functions:
sendParameters ( clusterName, nodeName, params);
Use this function to send a set of parameters to all
given destinations. The default cluster an node names
will be updated with the values given here. If afterwards
you want to send more parameters, you can use the shorter
version of this function, sendParams. The parameters to
be sent can be eiter a list, or a hash. If list, it
should have an even length and should contain pairs like
(paramName, paramValue). paramValue can be a string, an
integer or a float.
sendParams (params);
Use this to send a set of parameters without
specifying a cluster and a node name. In this case, the
default values for cluster and node name will be used.
See the sendParameters function for more details.
sendTimedParameters (clusterName, nodeName, time, params);
Use this instead of sendParameters to set the time for
each packet that is sent. The time is in seconds from
Epoch. If you use the other function, the time for these
parameters will be sent by the MonALISA service that
receives them. Note that it is recommended to use the
other version unless you really need to send the
parameters with a different time, since the local time on
the machine might not be synchronized to a time server.
The MonALISA service sets the correct real time for the
packets that it receives.
Please see the examples/*.py files for examples of
using these functions.
3. Configuring ApMon
with the aid of the API
The behaviour of ApMon can be configured not only from
the configuration files or webpages, but also with the
aid of the API.
If you want to disable temporarily sending of
background monitoring information, and to enable it
afterwards, you can use:
enableBgMonitoring (bool)
To force sending monitoring information with
background monitoring disabled, you can use the following
sendBgMonitoring ();
4. Automated
Job Monitoring
To monitor jobs, you have to specify the PID of the
parent process for the tree of processes that you want to
monitor, the working directory, the cluster and the node
names. If work directory is "", no information will be
retrieved about disk:
To change the log-level of the ApMon module, you can
either set it in the configuration file or use the
following function:
with the following valid log-levels: "DEBUG",
From the configuration file the log-level can be set
as follows:
xApMon_loglevel = <level>
xApMon_loglevel = FINE
6. Maximum number of
To set the maxim number of messages that can be sent
to a MonALISA service, per second, you can use the
follwing function:
By default, it is 50. This is a very large number, and
the idea is to prevent errors from the user. One can
easily put in a for loop, without any sleep, some
sendParams calls that can generate a lot of unnecessary
network load.
You can put this line in the config file:
xApMon_maxMsgRate = 30
The datagrams with general system information are only
sent if system monitoring is enabled, at greater time
intervals (one datagram with general system information
for each 2 system monitoring datagrams).
7. Recreate the ApMon object
If you have to recreate the ApMon object over and over
again, then you should use the following function when
you fininshed using a instance of the ApMon:
This will delete the temporary file and terminate the
background processes. The UDP socket will not be closed,
but if you will reuse ApMon afterwards, it will not open
another socket.
8. Restrictions
The maximum size of a datagram is specified by the
constant MAX_DGRAM_SIZE; by default it is 8192B and the
user should not modify this value as some hosts may not
support UDP datagrams larger than 8KB.
Chapter 3. How to Write a
Simple Python Program with ApMon
In this section we show how the ApMon API can be used to
write a simple program that sends monitoring datagrams. The
source code for this short tutorial (slightly modified) can
be found in the file under the
The program generates values for a few parameters and
sends them to the MonALISA destinations specified in the
'dest_2.conf' file; this action is repeated in 20
With this example program we'll illustrate the steps
that should usually be taken to write a program with
1. Import the ApMon module (and possibly other necessary
import apmon
import time
2. Initialize ApMon and possibly set some options (in
this example, we disabled the background job/system
monitoring and the periodical reloading of the
configuration file, and also set the loglevel). These
options could have also been set from a configuration
# Initialize ApMon specifying that it should not send information about the system.
# Note that in this case the background monitoring process isn't stopped, in case you may
# want later to monitor a job.
apm = apmon.ApMon('dest_2.conf')
apm.confCheck = False
3. Send the datagrams. We used here two functions:
sendParameters, which specifies the cluster name and the
node name (which will be cached in the ApMon object), and
sendParams, which uses the names that were memorized at the
call of the first function.
for i in range(1,20):
# you can put as many pairs of parameter_name, parameter_value as you want
# but be careful not to create packets longer than 8K.
apm.sendParameters("SimpleCluster", "SimpleNode", {'var_i': i, 'ar_i^2': i*i})
f = 20.0 / i
# send in the same cluster and node as last time
apm.sendParams({'var_f': f, '5_times_f': 5 * f, 'i+f': i + f})
print "simple_send-ing for i=",i