MonALISA Grid Monitoring
Optical Switch Agent
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Last update on:
Dec 03, 2015

Uptime: 52 days, 17h, 17m
Number of requests: 5838293
since 28 October 2005

 The Controlling Agent for optical path

The agent runs embedded in the MonALISA service. The agents are able to communicate and discover the topology of the network. In order to start the agent on the platform you have to specify the following parameters in

lia.Monitor.DataCache.Cache.StartMLCopyAgent = true
lia.Monitor.Agents.OpticalPath.MLCopyAgent.ConfFile = ${MonaLisa_HOME}/Service/myFarm/MLCPA_Dir/MLCopyAgent.conf

The configuration file for the agent, specified in by lia.Monitor.Agents.OpticalPath.MLCopyAgent.ConfFile has three sections. This changes are propagated to the agent if this file is modified.

SwitchName = calient1

SwitchType = Calient

#Connection Map
10.10a.8                host    10

10.16a.1                switch          calient2        100     10.16a.2
10.16a.3                switch          calient2        100     10.16a.4
10.16a.5                switch          calient2        100     10.16a.6
10.14a.7                disconnected

#Cross-Connect Links
10.16a.3               10.16a.5

   a)  In the first section it is specified the name and the type of the switch. The SwitchType accepts only two parameters for the moment Calient or Glimmerglass.

   b) The second section specifies directly connected peer switches or hosts, the ports of the connections (local and remote), quality of the link, and the peer type, if it is another switch  or host. This section must start with the line #Connection Map.  The line can have 4 or 5 fields.

  • The first field specifies the source port.
  • The second one specifies the endpoint type of the link (whether it is a switch or an host, or is a disconnected port); it also specifies whether the link is simplex or full duplex. The possible values are: host, switch for full duplex links and the combinations switch_in, switch_out or host_in, host_out, or disconnected_in, disconnected_out for simplex links. This field determines also the port type whether is an input, or an output port. If this field is host or switch it defines basically two simplex links an _in and an _out. 
  • The next field specifies the end point name
  • The fourth field defines the quality of the link. This field is the only one which must have a numerical value. All the others are considered as strings.
  • The fifth field defines the end point port and it appears only if the end point of the link is another switch.

   c) The last sections specifies the cross-connects in the switch. This section must start with the line #Cross-Connect Links.

Controlling the Optical Path Agent

The optical switch agent can accept commands either from the MonALISA GUI  Client or from an Optical Switch Daemon.

a) from the GUI
   To enable the admin interface from the GUI you will need first to create a private key, using the keytool command, provided with any JDK. After that the following lines must be added in file:


The client certificates must  be imported in the file specified by the lia.Monitor.OS.SKeyStore property.


   1) create a private key: keytool -genkey -alias myOSAdmin -keystore myOSKeyStore.ks
   2) export a certificate: keytool -export -alias myOSAdmin -keystore myOSKeyStore.ks -file myOSAdmin.cer
   3) import the certificate in the keystore of the agent: keytool -import -file myOSAdmin.cer -keystore OS_keystore.ks -alias myOSAdmin

b) from the OSD

In order to enable the agent to listen for command from an optical switch daemon the following lines must be added in

The agent will accept commands coming on port 25001 over SSL.


Connecting to the Optical Switch

  The agent uses different TL1 commands to control the optical switch, whether the switch is Calient or Glimmerglass. It is recommended to define two connections for the same switch: one for monitoring (used by the monitoring modules) and the other one for controlling (create/delete optical cross connects inside the switch).  The following lines must be added in

  1. For the monitoring connection




  3. For the controlling connection




  It is possible to use only one connection for both monitoring and controlling. The controlling connection can be omitted from The monitoring connection must be defined in this case. The controlling TL1 commands will be send on this connection.