Demos related to this project
CHEP 06 - Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
Mumbai, India, 13-17 February 2006
Web Reference:
SC 2005 - Bandwith Challenge Record: 131 Gbps
Seattle, Washington, November 2005
TERENA Networking Conference
Poznan, Poland, June 2005
Web Reference:
International ICFA Workshop on HEP Networking,
Grid and Digital Divide Issues for Global e-Science
Daegu, Korea, May 2005
Web Reference:
Pictures not available yet
SC 2004 - Lan Speed Record
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 2004
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2003
Geneva, December 2003
Web Reference:
The Caltech High Energy Physics Department
Grid Enabled Analysis Workshop
Caltech, June 2003
Web Reference: