MonALISA Grid Monitoring
EVO GUI Client
Menu mode: dynamic | fixed
Last update on:
Dec 03, 2015

Uptime: 65 days, 22h, 20m
Number of requests: 5840393
since 28 October 2005

EVO GUI Client

This is a global monitoring service client for the video conferencing distributed system called EVO. It allows to discover all the active EVO pandas, and display real-time global views for generic parameters like connectivity and traffic as well as the usage and load, but also special EVO system's parameters like meetings and users, number of video and audio clients.

It allows to access the configuration of any site and display real-time or historical values for any monitored parameter in the system.

Start MonALISA EVO Client

Java 6 or higher

EVO Monitoring Client

This is the MonALISA client tunned for the new EVO videoconferencing system.
It is based on the Java bindings for OpenGL aka JoGL (or JSR-231) and that means that it downloads the necessary OpenGL libraries for Java from Sun at runtime so no java 3D prerequisites are needed.

version 14.02.4, February 04, 2014

EVO client with full user and meeting name

Java 6 or higher

Enjoy MonALISA !